
The future of purchasing

Cost reduction in the crisis

When the economy collapses, costs increasingly move back to the center of corporate governance. The so-called "gift" in purchasing are measures to reduce costs. Few are happy about these "compulsory programs" because they mean a great deal of work for everyone involved, and they usually do not cause any lasting changes in the company. Often, cost reduction savings are only achieved through short-term supplier agreements.

However, the effect of this measure usually fizzles quickly. It also gladly ignores the fact that purchasing in boom times must continue to work very efficiently. In particular, because it is entrusted with additional areas of responsibility and often also takes care of supplier processing and global sourcing. Thus, the purchasing department is rarely a mere purchasing clerk, but rather a strategic partner whose tasks are more complex today. The requirements will be greater and will continue to grow in the future.

To respond appropriately, POLARIXPARTNER has identified nine key areas for successful purchasing in the future.

(only available in German)

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